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Adding Products to Your Store on Xamagos

To add products to your store on Xamagos, the first step is to visit, or download and install the Xamagos mobile app on your device.


Step 1: Login to Your Xamagos Account

To add products to your store, you must first log in to your Xamagos account. If you don't have an account, you can create one by clicking the Sign Up button to setup your store.


Step 2: Manage Your Store

Once you're logged in, you will be redirected to your dashboard. From there, click on "Manage Store".


Step 3: Access Your Store

On the manage store page, click on the name of the store you want to manage. You will be redirected to your store dashboard.


Step 4: Products Management

On the store dashboard, click on the Products link. You will be redirected to the products management dashboard.


Step 5:  Add Products

On the add product page, fill in the product information, such as name, description, and selling price. Enter all the required information.


Step 6: Double-Check Your Information and Add Your Product

Double-check that all the information you've entered is accurate and complete, then tap or click on "Add Product." You can add all your products here before proceeding to assign images to them on My Products page.


Note: To assign the main product image, simply upload the image to the product listing on your products page. This image will appear as the primary image for the product and should be a clear and attractive representation of the product.


To add additional images, navigate to the product description box and use the image upload tool to add more images. These images can be used to show different angles of the product, provide close-up views, or showcase the product in use.


Current: Adding Products to Your Store on Xamagos
